検索結果 21-30 / 81 表示
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...ソリューション • インフラストラクチャー • KVM • AV & マルチメディア • ネットワーキング •   • Find all • KVM Switches • in our on-line store. • DVI KVM Switches • , • VGA KVM Switches • , • DisplayPort KVM Switches • , • Secure KVM Switches • , • Trading Control Switches • , • Enter...
DKM Extender Configurator • Modular DKM Extenders • provide the widest range of possible interface combinations, which makes it easy to customize the signal extension for your specific application. • These extenders are comprised of modular ho...
Emerald • ™ • 4K KVM over IP • マトリクススイッチ & エクステンダ • IP・ダイレクト接続によるマルチコンピュータ アクセス • ご質問、ご相談など、 • お気軽にお問い合わせください。 • テクニカルサポートへ相談 • Emerald™ 4K KVM over IP は、IP ネットワーク、専用のダイレクト接続、またはその両方でピクセルパーフェクトな HD ビデオや 4K ビデオを伝送するためのユニファイド KVM システムです。Emerald™ を使っ...
...Virtual media (VM) • ServSwitch with built-in VM to USB • A virtual media (VM) device is any type of data storage device — such as CDs, flash drives, or external hard drives — that you can connect to remotely to enable data sharing. A ServSwitch ...
KVMoIP access technology • KVMoIP access technology • KVM over IP • KVMoIP access technology extends keyboard, video, and mouse (KVM) signals from any computer or server over TCP/IP via a LAN, WAN, or Internet connection. Through this KVM over...
Ethernet Extensions • Ethernet extensions • Not a solution that you can do inmediately or for somewhat money. • Computer cables can only be too short, but never too long. The same applies to networking cables. Sometimes it is just the last met...
...used with video or KVM extenders to extend the reach of a video signal. It's popular for this application because it's lightweight, easy to handle, and inexpensive. But when you transmit video over long stretches of twisted-pair cable, you some...
...used with video or KVM extenders to extend the reach of a video signal. It's popular for this application because it's lightweight, easy to handle, and inexpensive. But when you transmit video over long stretches of twisted-pair cable, you some...
...Using fibre optics for KVM extension • Using fiber optics for KVM extension. • Where to use? • If you‘re sending KVM signals between buildings for an extended distance, in areas supplied by different power sources, in an electrically noisy environm...
...color:#fff;} • .colour_catx th.first {background-color:#4168b1; color:#fff;} •   • KVM Extender Buyer's Guide • Whether your application is digital high-definition video, KVM, or matrix peripheral switching, using extenders enables you to remove co...
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